Joe Songs Music

Modern Folk Music by Joe McClure


The water can hide things, … treasures, dangers, histories, old habits, the past,, the present, the future, Remnants of all of the above...You don't know what’s hiding underneath. The sand is uneven, the waves unpredictable,  there may be something alive... or dead... What is underneath is hidden... at first…But if you study the surface, you can tell there is something underneath ... you can tell … It’s like a Scar on the water.

Scars... I have them, I'm almost a year out from my OHS CABG X3 (technical jargon for those who've had their rib cage sawed in half and their heart rebuilt) They're not as ugly-scary as they were almost a year ago, I'm not sure if they're healing or just been covered over with new skin. They remind me of their presence … Every.Day …  I don't have to look at them, I can feel them ... Every.Day ... Maybe someday they'll fade away … maybe not. I think I would miss them if they did, they've taught me a lot, and somedays I need some reminding of what I’ve learned ...

Today will be Different …  Today… I'm at the Beach… Today … I'm going to take off my shirt, show my Scars to the Sun, and the World, and expose the World to my Scars... maybe they can teach each other something... (I hope I don’t scare anyone!)

Our Scars are our earned badges of proof that we can Suffer … and Survive. They are not always visible to the world or to anyone, but if we honor them with Our Sunlight, they will Heal...

I will Live out Loud … Today. There is Hope in Today, the Future, Tomorrow... Soon. There is Hope in the Water, in the Waves, in the World… In the Sunshine… In the Light …  We can Heal! We can Laugh! We can Love! and We can LIVE!


Know the Rain

  Sometimes it Rains. Listen to it. Feel the cooling freshness of it. Can you hear the Song in it? Does it make you want to Dance? Does it make you want to Cry? Walk in it, Dance in it, Sing to it! 

The Rain will listen to your Song, but You must listen... You must stop... Be still. Before you Dance and Sing, you may have to feel its Loneliness... Despair... Pain... Accept the Wonder of the Rain... the cooling wet... let it wash over you... let it wash through you. Let it soak into your clothes and your soul... until you shiver... until you long for the Sun. For as surely as the Rain will Fall, the Sun will Rise... but not Now.  

Now is the time for Rain... Know the Rain ... Know its Song... Know that it is for You... Now... Tomorrow it may sing a different song... but... Now... it sings... for You... Find it, Sing it, and Know that it is Beautiful... Know that it is Yours ... Know that You are Beautiful ... Know it Now... 


In the Heart of the Deep Forest, you can't actually see the Sunrise. But you can feel it, coming through the mist of the morning, as birds and leaves begin to flutter, getting ready to sing their wake up song. The Forest and I wait, in Anticipation, like a child waits for his surprise birthday party, on the other side of the closed door, knowing something is coming, but what? ...

 Father Sun opens the door, finds its way down into the Forest, slowly pushing aside the mist and the leaves to finally shine itself down to the Forest floor, exposing the Forest' beauty to itself and its Natural Inhabitants. And Me, the Immigrant Child, trying to blend in, so as not to disturb or interrupt its natural rhythm and existence, lest I destroy its Loveliness. 

Today the Lord will give Me what I came for, and I will Leave, with Joy, Knowing the Cycle repeats. Every Day... Every Year... Every Lifetime...

Click here to listen to my song: The Time Is Now


The Water, the Mountain, the Sun and the Sky. Are always there, you can't always see them, but they're there. Go to Them, drink in their healing wisdom, feel their power, be awed by their beauty, be washed by their raining joy, and share it with those you Love. Believe in that Power, and know the Love that is there. It will envelope your Heart, your Being, your Soul, and give you the Strength, Stamina, and Courage to go on...

"So when the Sun Comes Creepin' through your window tomorrow,
and warms your room with its Light. Know that Love does the same for your Heart and your Sorrow, and you'll be doing alright" From "The Sun Came Creepin" Joe McClure - Listen here!




It's Sunday! A day of rest, a day to get right with God, the Universe, Family. A day to take a Breath, a Smile, a View. A day to Notice, Dream... Believe. 

Most days lately I can't tell you what day it is, but most Sundays I can. Maybe it's the Preachers on TV, the Grandkids coming over to swim. Maybe it's the Yearning in my Heart to connect with Something, Someone, Some Presence... Bigger than Me...

 What if we could make every day Sunday? What a nice day to Settle in, Feel right with the World, the Maker, our Kin, and our Friends ... a day we could Relax, and accept the Peace we so long for... Thank you Lord for this Day, help me appreciate its Beauty, and its Unique Perspective...


I've been spending a lot of time lately (well okay, a lot of years) trying to find just the Right Place. The perfect place to Write, the perfect place to Enjoy Life, the perfect place to Play and Sing, the perfect View, the perfect place to Be Happy, the perfect Peace... Those places are so rare and hard to come by... well, maybe they don't really exist, maybe it's my attitude, my state of mind, maybe they're in my heart, not my head.

 I remember back in college, having a discussion with a good friend about life, (and girls) and we concluded: "It's not What you do, it's Who you're with." This morning I decided: "It's not Where you are, it's Who you're with". 

I've been With Myself for several days now... Apparently... Sometimes...I'm not very good company...😃


Click here to listen to my Song: The View From The Top



In the early, early morning, before the dawn, there's a mist upon the mountains that clouds our view of the trails ahead. We are unaware of the challenges, hardships, beauty, joys and wonders we will encounter. But as the sun appears, and the Sky changes from gray to blue, there is instilled in us, a Hope, an eager anticipation for the day ahead. This Hope is important. It will bring us into a new day with strength and courage, and it will replenish our Souls with Wonder and Beauty. God has blessed us with this day. Let's see what He has in store for us!


The Rooster crows, the Chimney Swifts chatter, the Birds sing their Song of Summer morning. The Sunrise Stillness slowly awakens to the Inevitability of a New day, a New chance, a New beginning...
What will We do with this Blessing God has given Us and the World?