Joe Songs Music

Modern Folk Music by Joe McClure

Up and Down, In and Out, Laugh and Cry

Up and Down, In and Out, Laugh and Cry

Scrooge to the Ghost of Christmas future:  “Spirit, you have shown a Christmas Yet To Come, which mingles great happiness with great sadness, what is to become of me?”  Scrooge Movie 1971.

I seem to always be quoting scenes from this movie about this time every year. This morning, this seems especially real. Yesterday I was saddened to hear that Jack Bassett died of a stroke early Christmas morning. I knew Jack from my days in radio. He was a talented, creative, honest advertising guy. I respected and appreciated him. I will miss him.

A few hours later I got a text picture of an ultrasound from Jason McKenzie. A quick phone call connected me to a very excited newlywed/soon to be father! What wonderful news from a great guy, at Christmas!

Now, this morning, I get news that Mike Venable has died. God bless him and Jill. Their life, and battle to live and appreciate life, has been an inspiration to me and countless others. I will miss him.

Now, as Gail and I get ready to go celebrate my grandson Alex Thor’s 9th birthday. I am reminded how happiness and sadness enter each of our lives. I prefer the happy times. I am grateful to have known these gentlemen. I am grateful to have known many friends, and relatives, who have passed on. I think of them often at Christmas. I hope you will remember your lost loved ones, and how they made you smile.  😊

I am happy to be here now.

I wish all of you out there a Happy New Year.

“May we all Live as long as we’re Alive”


Chestnuts are roasting and so am I

This Christmas movie is making me cry

Why, oh why, oh why, oh why?

Do I get the Blues at Christmas?

(Joseph W McClure @ 2023)